Department of Mathematics |
Abed Elhashash
-- 2008 -- Mathematics, Temple University - Philadelphia, PA, USA.
M.A. -- 2004 -- Mathematics, Temple University -
Philadelphia, PA, USA.
B.A. -- 1998 -- Mathematics, The American University of
Beirut - Beirut, Lebanon.
speciality is matrix theory and my research interests
include: Generalizations of Nonnegative Matrices, Perron-Frobenius
Theory Generalizations and Extensions to Cones in Hilbert and Banach Spaces, Generalizations of M-Matrices, and ODE's on submanifolds of the Euclidean space.
Research Papers:
Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld,
Matrix Functions Preserving Sets
of Generalized Nonnegative Matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear
Algebra, vol. 20 (2010) pp. 673-690.
Berman, M. Catral, L. M. Dealba,
A. Elhashash, F. J. Hall, L. Hogben, I-J Kim, D. D. Olesky, P. Tarazaga, M. J. Tsatsomeros, and P. Van Den Driessche,
Sign Patterns that Allow
Eventual Positivity, Electronic
Journal of Linear Algebra, vol. 119 (2010) pp. 108-120.
Elhashash, Uriel G. Rothblum,
and Daniel B. Szyld, Paths of matrices with the strong Perron-Frobenius property converging to a given matrix with
the Perron-Frobenius property, Electronic Journal of Linear
Algebra, vol. 19 (2009) pp. 90-97.
Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld, Two
characterizations of matrices with the Perron-Frobenius
property, Numerical
Linear Algebra with Applications, vol. 16 (2009) pp. 863-869.
Elhashash, Existence,
Uniqueness, and Bearing Computation for the Constant-Bearing Navigational Path
on an Ellipsoid of Revolution, Journal
of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, vol. 13 (2009) pp. 75-88.
Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld, On general
matrices having the Perron-Frobenius property,
Electronic Journal of
Linear Algebra, vol. 17 (2008) pp. 389-413.
Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld, Generalizations of M-matrices
which may not have a nonnegative inverse, Linear Algebra and its
Applications vol. 429 (2008), pp. 2435-2450.
Scientific Societies.
American Mathematical Society (AMS).
International Linear Algebra
Society (ILAS).
Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Colloquia at Drexel.
Mathematics at Temple
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Mathematics Home Page
updated: 22 February 2011