We will use a combination of the following texts:
Discrete Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond, by L. Lovász, J. Pelikán, and K. Vesztergombi (
Drexel Library online copy)
Pirate This Discrete Math Book, by R. Andrew Hicks (Andrew Hicks is a professor at Drexel who wrote this book specifically for this class.)
Grade Breakdown:
10% Homework
20% Weekly quizzes
30% Midterm
40% Final
Grading Policy:
A: 80-100%
B: 60-80%
C: 40-60%
D-F: 0-40%
Exam Policy:
No books or electronic devices are allowed on the midterm or exam. No collaboration is permitted on the midterm or exam.
The midterm will be in-class on October 21; it will be 80 minutes long.
Students with special exam-taking requirements or time conflicts should contact me by October 1.
Quiz Policy:
Quizzes will be given in class most Thursdays, and will be similar to some of the homework questions due that day. They will be about 15 minutes long. There will be about 8 quizzes total and the lowest quiz grade will be dropped to compute the quiz grade.
No books or electronic devices are allowed on quizzes. No collaboration is permitted on quizzes.
Homework Policy: You may consult each other and the textbook above.
List all people and sources who aided you and whom you aided, and write up the solutions independently, in your own language.
It is easy nowadays to find solutions to almost anything online.
DO NOT consult such solutions until after turning your homework.
Solutions to homeworks will be posted on this website and/or discussed in class.
Late homeworks will not be accepted.
Please visit this site frequently for new information.
Updates to the syllabus and reading assignments, homeworks, homework solutions, and practice exams will be posted here as the course progresses.
Since we are using multiple textbooks, there will be some overlap with the reading assignments. The most important/relevant sources will be listed first.
Week 1: Sep 21, Sep 23
Set Theory and Functions: read the handout Joy of Sets, Section 1.2 and Theorem 1.3.1 of LPV (the textbook Discrete Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond), and Chapter 4 of Hicks.
Read the handout Mathematical Hygiene. We will discuss some of these concepts throughout the course as needed.
Homework 1 due September 30
Week 2: Sep 28, Sep 30
Induction: Section 2.1 of LPV, Chapter 7 of Hicks
Homework 2 due October 7
Week 3: Oct 05, Oct 07
Pascal's triangle, counting, bijective proofs, binomial theorem : Sections 1.7-1.8, 3.5-3.6, 3.1 of LPV, Chapters 9, 10, 11 of Hicks
Homework 3 due October 14.
Week 4: Oct 12, Oct 14
Probability, poker, dice: Chapter 12 of Hicks.
The Bean Machine
Homework 4 do not turn in. (This material will be covered on the midterm, so completing it may be a good way to study for the midterm.)
Week 5: Oct 19, Oct 21
Probability continued: independence, lottery games: Chapters 12, 15, 16 of Hicks, Section 2.5 of LPV.
Midterm: October 21 in class.
Week 6: Oct 26, Oct 28
Introduction to graph theory: vertex degrees, trees, paths, cycles: Sections 7.1-7.2, 8.1-8.2, 13.2 of LPV.
Homework 5 due November 04.
Week 7: Nov 02, Nov 04
Trees, Kruskal's algorithm: Sections 8.1-8.2, 9.1 of LPV.
We will not follow LPV very closely for this topic.
Supplementary Wikipedia articles: Vertex degrees, Bipartite graphs, Kruskal's algorithm.
Homework 6 due November 11.
Week 8: Nov 09, Nov 11
Kruskal's algorithm for minimum-cost spanning tree, Euler's formula, platonic solids:
Sections 9.1, 12.1-12.3 of LPV
Homework 7 due Nov 18.
Week 9: Nov 16, Nov 18
Number theory: Primes, Euclidean algorithm, modular arithmetic: Chapters 17-18, 22-23 of Hicks, Sections 6.1-6.3 of LPV
Homework 8 due Dec 02.
Week 10: Nov 23
Euler's phi function, Fermat's little theorem, Public key cryptography: Chapters 24-25 of Hicks,
Wikipedia article on Diffie-Hellman key exchange
Week 11: Nov 30, Dec 02
Previous week continued, final review
Disability Resources:
requesting accommodations due to a disability at Drexel University need to request a current Accommodations Verification Letter (AVL) in the
ClockWork database before accommodations can be made. These requests are received by Disability Resources (DR), who then issues the AVL to the appropriate contacts. For additional information, visit the DR website at
drexel.edu/oed/disabilityResources/overview/, or contact DR for more information by phone at 215.895.1401, or by email at disability@drexel.edu.
Students must understand basic mathematical language including sets and functions, apply mathematical induction, count or enumerate objects using various combinatorial formulas, operate with discrete structures including graphs and permutations, and describe simple algorithms.