Ron Perline

Associate Professor, Mathematics


(215)- 895-6623
(215) 895-1582 (fax)


Calculus Math 121 Winter 2011 Main Page


Office hours  - Korman 272

Tues 12-1, Wed 1-2

Professional interests

Applied mathematics, soliton theory,
applications to differential geometry, computer graphics .

Member of

American Mathematical Society
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Soliton links

Soliton theory investigates certain nonlinear equations, which can be exactly solved using a technique called the spectral transform. It is one of the major developments in applied mathematics of the last twenty-five years, and has applications to fluid flow, nonlinear optics, and differential geometry.

My papers on soliton theory and differential geometry
Home-grown soliton surface pictures generated with software developed by the now defunct PSE group in CS at Drexel. Pictures listed without description -- but in one way or another, they are all related to the Localized Induction Equation and its cousins
Los Alamos archive of papers on soliton theory (= integrable systems)
Univ. of Mass. Amherst geometry group: minimal surfaces, constant mean curvature surfaces
SFB 288: Home of the Berlin group of geometric visualization of soliton curves and surfaces and OOrange, an object- oriented visualization tool

Last update: 5/19/98 by